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Closing Statement: The End of an Era

The end. Well, of this chapter at least. I do believe in the quote "to make an end, is to make a beginning”.

Reflecting on this year, I do not think I did everything that I could have, but the things I did I know that I have done with dedication and I am proud of them. I delved into new grounds of animation, I practiced different forms of printing, and I worked for the first time with clients. There is still much that I want to do, but time is of abundance. The one project I am particularly proud of from this is the short story animation "Corruption” which is an on-going project that I am continuing to work on and want to finish before the end of this next summer.

On a personal level, I want to work on my confidence. I am too much of a perfectionist, and a lot of times this stops me from creating work, I am always too scared it will not turn out exactly how I want it to. I want to be able to loosen up and simply have fun with art.

When it comes to the future, I know what I want to do, and that is to pursue a career either in animation or illustrating children's books. I have come to the realisation, through the past years in university, that I have a love for storytelling.

Though, if there is something else that I would love to work on that is most definitely printing, whether that is lino-printing or screen-printing. Both of them I find very visually beautiful and I find it is something that I would not only enjoy continuing doing but also would be an asset on my curriculum.

I predict the future holds a lot of learnings and first times. I want to do quick courses to further develop my skills, to start with I am going to dedicate myself to learning the 3D animation software Maya.

While I am worried about whether or not I will be able to find a job related to my degree, I also know to take it one day at a time and know that wherever this journey will take me next, I have been glad to tag along for the ride.

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