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Guest Lecturer: Heinrich and Palmer

Anna and Leon have been working together since the early 90s. During this lecture they talked about their projects from the last decade.

The first project they presented was “Raison d’être” which translates to reason of being. This was an installation at Mottisfont National Trust created for Art Residency in 2013. For this project they worked in several different pieces around the National Trust Park which I found to be incredibly beautiful and inspiring as someone who enjoys and loves nature.

The second project was “Ship of the Gods” which was commissioned in 2018 by Absolutely Cultured for Urban Legends: Northern Lights. I found this project to be absolutely magical and inspiring, whilst I had never looked at this style of exhibiting work through 3D installations using LED lights, there is just something so beautiful about showing work through projection of lights.

While showing one of their shoulder projects, Palmer touched upon the subject of self-reflection and how it is important to look back at previous work and understand what sort of aspects you still work and what aspects do not. A piece of work that could have been deemed perfect a couple of years back, might not be in the present.

They also mentioned how throughout the years their interests have changed and shifted, which was something I found myself relating to a lot even with my limited experience in the industry. When I started university, I thought my work would delve more into typography and branding, yet I found myself diverging more towards animation and illustration which I had no previous interest in.

This lecture was, for lack of a better word, absolutely magical. I found Heinrich and Palmers work to be very inspirational. It taught be to push boundaries and to try to think of different and more creative ways of presenting my work and it also taught me how important self-reflecting and learning how to look at your work critically is.

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